
Reagents.jl is still work-in-progress.

How to create a cancellable blocking API

using Reagents: Block, CAS, Computed, Map, Read, Reagents, Return

As demonstrated in the examples Treiber stack and Michael and Scott queue, reagents can be used for defining nonblocking data structures. However, reagents can also be used for constructing complex synchronization APIs.

Blocking containers

When a value is not available in a nonblocking container, it is very useful to wait (block) until the value is available (as in Base.Channel). Using (which we use here like an unbuffered Base.Channel), we can mechanically transform a nonblocking concurrent data container to a waitable data structure.

To this end, let us define a simple wrapper type that wraps an underlying nonblocking data collection (.data) and the channel (.send and .receive):

struct Blocking{T,Data,Send,Receive}
    data::Data          # holds value of type T
    send::Send          # swaps value::T -> nothing
    receive::Receive    # swaps nothing -> value::T

function Blocking(data)
    send, receive =, Nothing)
    return Blocking(Val(eltype(data)), data, send, receive)

Base.eltype(::Type{<:Blocking{T}}) where {T} = T

The idea is to try sending or receiving the item via the channel and "then" try to manipulate the data collection. We can do this atomically by using the choice reagent |. Note that the order of this operation is important. For example, when invoking putting(b), it tries b.send first and this "attempt" is still active even during putting( Since this attempt to b.send is atomically withdrawn when committing the reaction, the item is added to the data collection if and only if there is no other tasks invoking taking(b).

putting(b::Blocking) = b.send | putting(
taking(b::Blocking) = b.receive | taking(

Base.put!(b::Blocking, x) = putting(b)(convert(eltype(b), x))
Base.take!(b::Blocking) = taking(b)()

This Blocking wrapper can be used to extend existing nonblocking data structures such as Treiber stack and Michael and Scott queue that we have already defined.


To this end, we need to transform trypopping and trypoppingfirst to a reagent that blocks when the item is not ready. This can be done by a simple helper reagent that blocks when the input is nothing:

blocknothing() = Map(x -> x === nothing ? Block() : something(x))

Then, it is straightforward to define the taking and putting functions required by the Blocking wrapper:

putting(c::TreiberStack) = pushing(c)
taking(c::TreiberStack) = trypopping(c) ⨟ blocknothing()

putting(c::MSQueue) = pushing(c)
taking(c::MSQueue) = trypoppingfirst(c) ⨟ blocknothing()

Test blocking containers

using Test

function test_put_take_queue()

When there are enough items in the data container, Blocking(MSQueue{Int}()) behaves like MSQueue{Int}():

    items = Blocking(MSQueue{Int}())
    put!(items, 111)
    put!(items, 222)
    @test take!(items) == 111
    @test take!(items) == 222

However, when take! is invoked on an empty collection (which is enforced by the "unfair scheduling" yield(t)), it blocks until the corresponding put! is invoked:

    t = @task take!(items)
    put!(items, 333)
    @test fetch(t) === 333

It works with TreiberStack, too:

function test_put_take_stack()
    items = Blocking(TreiberStack{Int}())
    put!(items, 111)
    put!(items, 222)
    @test take!(items) == 222
    @test take!(items) == 111

    t = @task take!(items)
    put!(items, 333)
    @test fetch(t) === 333

Generic cancellable operations

It is often useful to cancel a blocking operation safely. This can be expressed quite naturally using reagents — we'll create a CancellationToken which can be composed with any blocking operation. The pattern is similar to the Go idiom of listening to a Done channel as one of the blocking operations in a select statement.

First, let us define a singleton sentinel value for indicating a given reaction is cancelled:

struct Cancelled end

To illustrate the idea, let us again use a Blocking(MSQueue{Int}()):

function test_cancellation_idea()
    items = Blocking(MSQueue{Int}())

We use an additional channel for sending the cancellation signal:

    send, receive =, Nothing)

The idea is to "listen to" the cancellation signal and then try to invoke a blocking reaction. If there is no cancellation signal, it behaves like the reagent without the cancellation:

    t = @task (receive | taking(items))()
    put!(items, 111)
    @test fetch(t) == 111

If the cancellation signal is fired before the corresponding put!, the result of the reaction is the sentinel Cancelled().

    t = @task (receive | taking(items))()
    @test fetch(t) isa Cancelled

Note that the above idea is still hard to use directly, since send(Cancelled()) only triggers the reactions that are happening simultaneously. We can introduce a Reagents.Ref{Bool} to make the cancellation permanent.

Let us wrap this idea in a single object:

struct CancellationToken
    send::typeof(, Nothing)[1])
    receive::typeof(, Nothing)[2])

function CancellationToken()
    iscancelled = Reagents.Ref{Bool}(false)
    send, receive =, Nothing)
    return CancellationToken(iscancelled, send, receive)

We can then transform an arbitrary reagent to a reagent that can be cancelled via a "signal" through CancellationToken (defined in cancel! below). The resulting reagent is the composition of three components: listener, checker, and the original reagent:

function cancellable(reagent::Reagents.Reagent, token::CancellationToken)
    listener = Return(nothing) ⨟ token.receive
    checker = Read(token.iscancelled) ⨟ Map(x -> x ? Cancelled() : Block())
    return listener | checker | reagent

The listener reagent is essentially equivalent to the idea demonstrated above. It is prefixed with the Return(nothing) reagent to make sure we always invoke the token.receive swap point with the valid input nothing.

The checker reagent checks token.iscancelled; if it is already true, it ends the reaction with the value Cancelled(). Otherwise, it indicates that the next reagent should be tried by returning the Block failure value.

Finally, if both listener and checker are blocked, the original reagent is invoked. When this reagent is blocked, the first reagent between listener and reagent that is awaken determines the result value of this reaction.

We can then use cancellable combinator to define a cancellable_take! function:

cancellable_take!(b::Blocking, token::CancellationToken) = cancellable(taking(b), token)()

To cancel! a token, we first set iscancelled[]. This way, all future cancellable_take! returns Cancelled due to the checker reagent defined above. We then clear out any existing peers listening to the token.receive swap endpoint.

function cancel!(token::CancellationToken)
    token.iscancelled[] = true
    while Reagents.trysync!(token.send, Cancelled()) !== nothing

Test generic cancellable operations

function test_cancellation_token()
    items = Blocking(MSQueue{Int}())
    token = CancellationToken()

Before cancellation, cancellable_take! works like normal take!:

    t = @task cancellable_take!(items, token)
    put!(items, 111)
    @test fetch(t) == 111

Calling cancel!(token) cancels all cancellable_take!(items, token) calls that are already happening (waiting for an item) and also the calls happening after the cancellation.

    t = @task cancellable_take!(items, token)
    @test fetch(t) isa Cancelled
    @test cancellable_take!(items, token) isa Cancelled

Note that the cancellation mechanism is introduced outside the Blocking container. It is different from, e.g., cancelling put!(::Base.Channel) via closing the Base.Channel. Thus, the container itself still works:

    put!(items, 222)
    @test take!(items) == 222

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