
Reagents.jl is still work-in-progress.

Example: Treiber stack

using Reagents

Treiber stack is a simple concurrent data structure where an immutable list holds the data items

struct TSNode{T}

const TSList{T} = Union{TSNode{T},Nothing}

... which is referenced through an atomically updatable memory location (here, a Reagents.Ref):

struct TreiberStack{T,Ref<:Reagents.Ref{TSList{T}}}

Base.eltype(::Type{<:TreiberStack{T}}) where {T} = T

An empty stack can be constructed as a reference to the empty list; i.e., nothing:

TreiberStack{T}() where {T} = TreiberStack(Reagents.Ref{TSList{T}}(nothing))

To push an element to the stack, we can use Reagents.Update

pushing(stack::TreiberStack) =
    Reagents.Update((xs, x) -> (TSNode(x, xs), nothing), stack.head)

Let's see how it works.

using Test

function test_pushing()

When a stack is created, its head points to nothing:

    stack = TreiberStack{Int}()
    @test stack.head[] === nothing  # empty

We can create a reagent for pushing a value to the stack:

    reagent = pushing(stack)

However, note that reagent does nothing when it's created.

    @test stack.head[] === nothing  # empty

The reagent must be executed ("react") to invoke its side-effect:

    @test stack.head[] === TSNode(111, nothing)

Similarly, we can pop off an element from the stack, again by Reagents.Update. To support empty stack, we return nothing when it's empty and return Some(value) when we find a value:

trypopping(stack::TreiberStack) =
    Reagents.Update(stack.head) do xs, _ignored
        if xs === nothing
            return (nothing, nothing)
            return (xs.tail, Some(xs.head))

Here's how it works.

function test_trypopping()

Let's push 111 and then 222 using the pushing reagent:

    stack = TreiberStack{Int}()

We can invoke the reagent trypopping(stack) by calling it. Since trypopping ignores the input (see the argument _ignored in trypopping definition above), we can pass an arbitrary value to the reagent, e.g., nothing.

    @test trypopping(stack)(nothing) === Some(222)

For convinience, nothing is the default argument when the reagent is called without an argument:

    @test trypopping(stack)() === Some(111)

Now that all values are popped, invoking trypopping returns nothing:

    @test trypopping(stack)() === nothing

It is simple to wrap these reagents into the Base API:

Base.push!(stack::TreiberStack, value) = pushing(stack)(convert(eltype(stack), value))
Base.pop!(stack::TreiberStack) = something(trypopping(stack)())

Note that this version of pop!(stack::TreiberStack) throws when the stack is empty. See Blocking containers for a generic derivation of a blocking version of pop! that waits for the value to be push!ed.

For more usage examples, see /test/ReagentsTests/src/test_treiberstack.jl.

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